Monday, October 5, 2009

The Story of Two Aeroplanes.

I wish to thank M/s Netha Hussain, a very good friend, whose constant inspiration has led me to bring you this story. I am not good in stories. But my wife is. This story which you are going to read is not my creation. The copyright is for my wife, Mrs. Soli Somanath. She was trying to teach our two sons lessons of sharing...I just happened to be beside them when she was narrating it and felt quiet interesting. Any credits should go to her and any shortcomings to me as I take full responsibility for you not liking the story. But if it is good its Soli's story.....


Once upon a time, in an airport in Kochi there were two aeroplanes. One was the Red aeroplane and the other was Blue. Both were very cute planes and used to take passengers daily from Kochi to Dubai. They were very good friends and were very happy in their work.

One day the Blue aeroplane had a lot of passengers and felt really exhausted. He asked the Red aeroplane " Please can you help me, please carry a few passengers of mine with you". But the Red one was very stubborn. He said " No way, why should I? Its your passengers . Why should I bother". He didn't help the poor Blue aeroplane. The Blue aeroplane became really sad. He cried a lot. He decided to take all the passengers and took off to the sky.

As he reached half way, he felt something was wrong with him. The blue plane had no energy left to carry on any longer. He tried his level best but couldn't attain the required heights. So he decided to fly back. The passengers were really angry with him. They teased him and told that he is not good for a plane. The passengers decided they will never use the Blue plane and would only use the Red plane. The Blue plane was cancelled from the flying list and he was kept on ground.

The Red plane was the only other plane left. So now all passengers opted for Red plane. Red plane was horrified as he saw the number of passengers he had to carry. He understood his mistake and ran to his friend the Blue plane. "Sorry Blue plane, I fully understand my mistake. I should have shared work with you. Please forgive me and come back. We will both work together and live happily." The Blue plane was happy. He kissed the Red plane and agreed to help him. Both of them carried a lot of passengers together. All passengers also praised both the aeroplanes for their good service. They all lived happily thereafter....

Sunday, October 4, 2009


DhimDhim Thappathappa
DumDum PadaPada
Bumchikkibumbum bumpoo....

Magic when you read this!
Tragic when you don't believe it.
It happens all around you.

Candles to be lit aside,
bangles of all colours beside.
Ambience all ready and set...

Children all so excited,
brethren well delighted.
All come and gather around me...

Round and round i swing the stick,
Sounds of amazement at the trick.
Rabbit from a hat is easy....

Laugh out loud to hearts content;
Half your sorrows on your tent.
Life is a magic, the greatest magic of all....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Missing you........

Waiting for you in this beautiful garden,
all my tears flow out to harden.
Wishing you to come to me;
as soon as the Sun could we see.

No voice could I hear from you;
Makes me upset and shiver in my shoe.
In no danger should you be;
for never has it happened like this from thee.

I realize today how much I love;
more than the heights to which fly a dove.
Words of wise truly said;
'Eyes, more precious for the blind'.

Love for you, I truly realise.
Before being blind, I've to save my eyes.
Shed your sorrows, my dear dame;
come back to me and light the flame.

The flame of love......
Missing you lots..............

Friday, September 18, 2009


Don't know what's happening to me;
feel very awkward inside me.

Longing to be with you always;
walking hand in hand with you all ways.

All the sweet memories of thee;
like to dream all day free.

Ocean of love,though I'm blind;
I do see in the eyes of mind.

My heart pounce when I hear your voice;
run to you and give all choice.

Being with you at every chance;
for i don't want to miss the dance.

When I am away I always miss;
the warmth and sweetness of that little kiss.

You have become a part of my life;
wedded to me to be my wife.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In Grief

Sad am I, in this world of darkness;
all things seem to be against me.
Tears erupt from the volcano of feelings;
crying away the largest of sadness.

Not fit for this world, thought I
feeling all weak to lift this burden.
Life suddenly became a full stop;
I couldnt come out of this puzzle.

Bound am I, to the world around;
cannot throw any one away.
Fell into the deepest ditches on the earth;
Loosing the balance on my way.

The way out couldnt be found;
there was no light on the way.
In the heights of grief am I;
only emotion that remained was to laugh.

At the end of grief, light of happiness;
could i see, praying to God almighty.
That small speck pf happiness;
makes me live along in these darkest lanes.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Birds chirping in the air;
welcoming the sun,
to bring light
in the dark world.

Fishes in the river;
flock together,
enjoying the freshness
of purity in them.

Cows like to gather;
in the gracing land,
thankful to God;
seeing love even in grass.

Women would share
words of wisdom;
preparing food
for the hungry souls.

Lazy as ever
watching all of them;
I lie down in bed
to enjoy the morning

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Rain

Ask a man with thirst;
the most valuable thing on earth?
Water the thought of which;
quenches the mind's thirst.

The rain brings water;

pure like mother's milk.
It fills our granaries
and nourishes the whole world.

Green leaves glow in the shower;

happy to get wet.
Smell of soil in the air;
Bring memories of yest.

Down they pour as drops;
to gather as the river.
Its the time of love;
the symbol of togetherness.

Jingle sound it makes;

song for bleeding souls.
Healing it with ease;
sorrows vanish to cease.

Mothers touch it gives;

cold but with warmth of love.

Purifying the whole earth;
for all generations to live.

O Rain i salute thee;
my eyes closed in prayer.
You are the most beautiful woman;

my eyes have ever seen.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Remember the days, when together;
we enjoyed life's happiness.
Then in my dark ages, you were there;
carrying me away from darkness.

Singing the same ballad, dancing the same steps;
we grew up together.
Sweetness of the mangoes, the wonderful moments;
we used to gather.

A shoulder to weep, throw away all burdens;
to keep the mind free.
The smile that blossomed, brought tears of joy;
to feel you are with me.

My dear friend, I wouldnt have been me;
if it not were for thee.
For you make my world, with all negatives;
the abode of peace.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Green Valleys

Mystic green meadows, mountains in great heights;
The wind whistling by, no dust in sight.
Dreaming thence in my bed, in the city limits;
longing to be there as soon as life admits.

Cows gracing about, men care free;
all enjoying the day in a festive spree.
No hastles, no botherations, no targets to keep;
enjoying the freedom and having peaceful sleep.

Peace of mind is what a man needs;
longing for it in every deed.
I can find the green valley here
in the city where all are near.

Its all in the mind
that keeps everything bind.
Set free from all bonds
Fly away above all bounds

For succes is all yours and peace ours